The 4th International Conference on Biomedicine and Bioinformatics Engineering (ICBBE 2024) is scheduled to held in Kaifeng, China on June 14-16, 2024. Sponsored by Henan University, ICBBE 2024 mainly focuses on Biomedicine and Bioinformatics Engineering. The conference aims at providing a platform for innovative academics, experts, engineers and students in the field of "Biomedical Imaging and Sensing", "Bioinformatics Approaches" and "Biophotonic Devices and Materials" to exchange new ideas and share research results. During the conference, we will make discussions about the trends of the latest development in related areas and make efforts to bridge the gap between R&D results and industrial applications. The purpose is to explore the key challenges and research directions in the development of Biomedicine and Bioinformatics Engineering, with a view to promoting the development and application of theories and technologies in universities and enterprises, and to establish business or research relationship for the participants, as well as to find future business partners.
The conference invites domestic and foreign universities, research institutions experts, scholars, business people and other relevant personnel to attend. The participants can not only listen to the wonderful reports of well-known experts at home and abroad, but also have a face-to-face opportunity to discuss with experts and scholars from all over the world.
由河南大学主办,中州实验室、河南大学基础医学院、河南大学郑州校区学术发展部共同承办的第四届生物医学与生物信息工程国际学术会议(ICBBE 2024)将于2024年6月14-16日在河南开封召开。本次大会主要围绕生物医学、生物信息工程两大工程领域展开研讨,为全球高等院校、科学研究所、企事业单位的专家、教授、学者、工程师等提供一个分享专业经验,扩大专业网络,面对面交流新思想以及展示研究成果的国际学术平台,目的是为了探讨相关领域发展所面临的关键性挑战问题和研究方向,以期推动理论和技术在高校和企业的发展与应用,同时也为参会者建立业务或研究上的联络,以及寻找未来事业上的合作伙伴。
Conference Link:www.ic-bbe.org